There are a whole lot of ways to build muscles fast but many of them just aren’t suitable for a hard gainer. Many a times, you will be glad to receive advice about gaining muscles from a pro bodybuilder, but the fact is that that advice won’t really help you, as your genetic structure & build might be different from him. There is no guarantee that what works for him will work for you too.
You need to realize that gaining muscles isn’t some sort of rocket science. You gotta chalk out a workout regime & need to follow it with your heart and soul until you start seeing results. I’ve often witnessed people getting motivated to hit the gym, only to see them slack off after a while since they do not see immediate results & get disheartened.
Here are a few basic things you need to keep in mind in order to pack on some muscle mass:
Working Out:
Well although this one is quite obvious, the key here is to never lose hope. Most people start doubting the need of workout out only after a couple of months they’ve been into the gym, since they can’t see any noticeable results. You need to get this attitude out of your mind. Remember, discipline is the key to everything and it can take months of regular training to notice any muscle mass. Ideally you should train around 3 days a week. Any more than that and you’ll be straining your muscles.
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Lift Heavy:
There is no point lifting the same weights for a month, since you body is going to get used to that weight. Every time you hit the gym, try to increase the weight you lift by 5% or so.
Diet is the main thing that determines whether you are going to be successful in building muscles or not. Diet constitutes up to 80% success in body building. There is no point hitting out the gym if you do not consume a protein rich diet.
Eat Frequently:
The thing with hardgainers is that most of them are ectomorphs and hence their metabolism rate is quite fast. In order to overcome that, they need to regularly comsume small amounts of meal to keep their muscles recharged. You should ideally target 4-6 meals a day.
Rest is indeed very important since muscles are built when your body is at rest, not when you are working out. So sleep for atleast 8 hours a day and take proper rest.