Actually, women get fat because of the changes in the hormonal balance, increased appetite, fat storage increases. You have to sleep at least 7.5 hours at night.
When you enter deep sleep, your brain will release a lot of growth hormone; the hormone will instruct your body break down fat to release energy. But if you absorb the extra calories, while a lack of deep sleep, then you lack sufficient growth hormone to decompose the fat. So, your body will take such a shortcut – the extra fat stack in your hips, thighs and abdomen Department.
The average 25-30 year-old woman sleeping only 6 hours and 40 minutes, of which about 30% more women less than 6 hours sleep a long time, the degree of their fat is 30% higher than others. Expert advice is, to thin, we must ensure that at least get enough sleep each day 7.5 hours. If you stay up late than usual for a weekend, two hours late the next day an hour or two to get up. However, some women may need a day 9 hours of sleep. If you have enough sleep 7.5 hours, the next day you wake-up alarm clock still does not, this means you need more sleep. In fact, everyone has their own normal sleep length required, if the sleep time is less than the length, even if just short of 1 hour, can lead to hormone imbalance. However, there is not more sleep the better weight-loss, you need to sleep is the most suited to their length. To find the length, you can try to go to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual, until you find your ideal amount of sleep so far, of course, you might spend a week of test time, but it is worth a try.
Make your bedroom good for your sleep.
Establish a bedtime activity patterns, which can be cuddle, it can be read, also can be a hot water bath 10 minutes of yoga and so on. Bedtime activities can be 45 minutes before bedtime to 1 hour to begin. Over time, your body will be special activities for these reactions, and gradually relax into sleep state to be. Finally, turn off the TV before going to be, computer and your mobile phone. If there are lights flashing, your brain will make arousal, decreased melatonin levels, affecting the quality of deep sleep.
Drink less heavy tea and coffee.
If you do not drink coffee, you thought, the whole afternoon can be hard to get through? If you’re really a diehard coffee family, so “do not drink coffee after 2:30 pm” This principle seems very cruel. But trust the advice of experts – caffeine really subtle way will affect your sleep. If at first you insist on very hard, try step by step, such as volume of your coffee first half. In addition, within 3 hours before bed should definitely avoid alcohol! Alcohol may initially make you drowsy, but it will affect your depth of sleep, hypnosis alcohol functioning once completed, you may even wake up middle of the night, seriously hampering the body a rest.