When you graduate from massage school you might not be able to afford expensive massage supplies. Cheap massage tables are available. There are a number of new companies that are making tables that are sold for as little as seventy dollars. You don’t have to spend a few hundreds dollars to buy a table from one of the top massage brands. Here are some tips to help you be sure that your cheap massage table is good.
What to Look For
When looking for new massage supplies you should always check out the product thoroughly. Start by looking at what is offered with the table by the company. Most cheaper tables don’t come with accessories like a face cradle, cart, bag, or bolsters that you can find included with some more expensive ones. Though they often don’t come with accessories, you’ll be saving more than enough money to be able to buy these accessories later. Be sure to budget for these items before you make your purchase.
Different companies offer a wide variety of warranty options. Before you buy your table find out what kind of warranty it comes with. Some more established companies offer lifetime warranties on the frame of the table. Many cheaper tables will come with a one to five year warranty. The discount price you pay makes up for the shorter warranty.
Read reviews of the table before you buy. Find out what people are saying about it. Is it easy to fold and set up? How heavy is it? How much dynamic weight does it hold? Is it sturdy? These are all important things that you need to know before you buy. Yes you’re looking for something cheap, but you will be using it in your business so you need to get the best product possible for your money.
Where to Buy
There are a few places where you can look for cheap massage tables. There are a lot of sites that sell discount massage supplies. Online is one of the best places to get good deals. Auction sites like eBay can provide you with some of the best deals.
If you are willing to purchase used supplies, you can save even more money. Look on Craigslist to see if you can find someone in your area selling a table. Whenever you buy from Craigslist use precautions. People have had bad experiences on the site. Meet the person you are buying from in a public place. It’s safer than going to someone’s home or telling someone where you live.
Sometimes you can find massage supplies at pawn shops. Everyday there is a massage therapist who decides to get out of the business. They get rid of the things for their business in places like pawn shops and on sites like Craigslist.
Some massage schools have bulletin boards where people can advertise things they are selling. Call the schools in your area to find out if they have a sales board.
Once you find a table you’ll be ready to start your massage business.