The majority of people in the world want to and try to make a descent effort to stay in shape. There are very few of them who purposely choose to become overweight and out of breath. Most of them have the desire to stay healthy, but the main problem for them is finding the time and ways to stay fit.
Chances are, you may be one of those individuals who do not have a physically demanding job and therefore the majority of your day is either spent sitting behind a desk working on a computer or sitting behind the wheel of a vehicle. Most of us find ourselves caught up in the same routine which consists of getting up at 6am, getting the kids ready for school, taking care of the pets, getting ourselves ready for work and then commuting a half hour or more to get to work. Then we work all day and come home to make dinner, do housework, pay bills and take care of every other thing in between that needs to be done and by this time, we are ready for sleep. We are assuming that all of this is done in an average 8 hour work day, but this is not always true as some people work more than this in a day. So the big question is how can you possibly make time to exercise and stay fit when you are so busy?
The first thing that you have to do is to be creative and find ways to stay fit even when you are behind a desk. You might want to consider replacing your office chair with an exercise ball. This will help you to assume proper posture for your back and it will also help you to strengthen your core muscles which will in turn improve your balance. Do some research and look for different exercises that you can do while sitting at your desk or driving that will tone your transverse abdominal muscles. These are the deep muscles that hold your organs in place and they have more of an impact on the flatness of your stomach than any other abdominal group of muscles. The best thing about these muscles is that you can work them without having to put yourself on the floor. You can engage them by simply sucking in your breath. This can be done while you are behind your desk or a steering wheel and all you have to do is to push your stomach out and suck it partway in and then pull it in towards your spine and hold it for a few seconds before letting out partway.
You should also make sure that you make enough time to get up and walk around while you are at work. Instead of running directly to the coffee pot on your break, consider taking a short power walk around your office building for 10 minutes or so. If you are one of those individuals who work in a tall office building, try riding the elevator to the bottom floor and then head up the stairs as fast as possible. If you are one of those who do not have a long break, try doing a few push-ups or sit-ups to get some exercise and this will not take a lot of your time. For those who have the luxury of an hour lunch break, try taking a walk in your local park or work out for a few minutes at your local health club or gym.
Last of all, you should not rely totally on your vehicle to get you around. If you live within 10 miles or less of your workplace, consider riding your bike to work and if you are fairly close to your job, walk or jog to work. For those of us who absolutely have to use our vehicles to get to work, try parking as far away as possible from your office and walk the rest of the way to get some needed exercise. There are always creative ways that we can look for and implement in our busy lives to make room for some sort of physical exercise that will help us to live and lead a more healthy life.
I hope that you found this information useful and if you would like more information on ways to live healthy, then please visit my healthy living web site where you will find great information to help you live a long and healthy life.